Media & Presentations
Safe for Elders UBC Learning Circle
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On May 10, 2016 a team of representatives from the Safe for Elders, Safe for All project participated in a learning circle at UBC. The UBC Learning Circle is a webinar and videoconference program featuring workshops on indigenous physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health and wellness. The Learning Circle’s continuing professional development and community workshops increase health capacity in all its forms and enhance literacy in First Nations communities across BC. It prioritizes Indigenous knowledge sharing among health professionals, community members, elders, students and youth. You can view the video below on youtube.
Watch Your Step 2016 Conference
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The 2016 National Fall Prevention Conference, Watch Your Step, was held on May 15 and 16, 2016, in Calgary, Alberta. It was co-sponsored by the Injury Prevention Centre, School of Public Health, University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services. The purpose of this conference was to bring together experts from across Canada and around the world to share research excellence, clinical advances and policy innovations in fall and fall related injury prevention. This conference drew more than 400 delegates from a wide variety of health care and related sectors including public health, research, government, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, recreation therapy, fitness instructors, kinesiologists, retirement communities, acute and long-term care, and engineering. Representatives from the Safe for Elders project team were there to share the project research, resources and learnings with attendees.