Choose from a selection of printable safety tips about what to do if you fall, or if you witness someone else falling. 
Six-page pdf with all configurations: No one thinks they are going to fall; If you fall, think RAISE; What to do when you witness a fall — each beautifully illustrated featuring both male and female examples.
Side 1: No one thinks they’re going to fall, illustrated with a male example;
Side 2: What to do if you witness a fall, illustrated with a female example.
Side 1: If you Fall, Think RAISE illustrated with a female example;
Side 2: What to do if you witness a fall, illustrated with a male example.
Side 1: If you Fall, Think RAISE illustrated with a male example;
Side 2: What to do if you witness a fall, illustrated with a female example.
1: No one thinks they’re going to fall, illustrated with a male example.
2: What to do if you witness a fall, illustrated with a female example.
3: If you Fall, Think RAISE illustrated with a female example.
4: What to do if you witness a fall, illustrated with a male example.
5: If you Fall, Think RAISE illustrated with a male example.